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Leadership and Behavioural Style
Profile Assessment

"Every individual possesses unique behavioral traits and leadership styles, which greatly influence their performance and compatibility within a team. But how can you tap into this powerful knowledge and unlock the full potential of your workforce?"


Contact us today and let our experts guide you on this transformative journey. Leadership and Behavioral Style Profile Assessment - the key to unlocking your team's true potential!"

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DiSC Profile Test

Understand yourself better and learn how to work more effectively.

DiSC’s function may able to assist you and your team to:

  • increase your self-knowledge: how you respond to conflict, what motivates you, what causes you stress, and how you solve problems

  • improve working relationships by recognizing the communication needs of team members

  • facilitate better teamwork and teach productive conflict

  • manage more effectively by understanding the dispositions and priorities of employees and team members

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CliftonStrengths 34 - Your Strengths Assessment

Clifton Strengths is an assessment tool developed by Gallup that identifies an individual's top talents and strengths. It helps people understand and leverage their unique abilities to achieve personal and professional success.

The Clifton Strengths assessment provides self-awareness, personal development, and career alignment by identifying and leveraging individuals' unique talents. It enhances team collaboration, communication, and leadership effectiveness. It fosters resilience, job satisfaction, and improved performance while promoting self-acceptance and appreciation for individual strengths.

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Leadership Potential Assessment for Chinese Managers

The Leadership Framework addresses the dynamic challenges faced by leaders in complex business environments with diverse organizational cultures. Behavioral complexity, the ability to demonstrate a wide range of leadership behaviors aligned with organizational values, is crucial for success.


The Corporate Leadership Behavior Scale (CLBS) measures five core leadership roles and behaviors, providing a common framework for aligning expectations. The CLBS is currently being standardized and validated with a sample of 597 executives from Hong Kong SAR and Mainland China, with ongoing revision and validation efforts.

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